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Querying HTTP events by hostname with GraphQL

Aggregated HTTP metrics by hostname over time

In this example, we are going to use the GraphQL Analytics API to query aggregated metrics about HTTP events by hostname over a specific period of time.

The following API call will request the number of visits and edge response bytes for the custom hostname over a four day period. Be sure to replace CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID AND API_TOKEN with your zone ID and API credentials, and adjust the datetime_geq and datetime_leq values as needed.

API Call

Terminal window
echo '{ "query":
"query RequestsAndDataTransferByHostname($zoneTag: string, $filter:filter) {
viewer {
zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) {
httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(limit: 10, filter: $filter) {
sum {
dimensions {
"variables": {
"zoneTag": "<CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID>",
"filter": {
"datetime_geq": "2022-07-20T11:00:00Z",
"datetime_lt": "2022-07-24T12:00:00Z",
"clientRequestHTTPHost": "",
"requestSource": "eyeball"
}' | tr -d '\n' | curl --silent \ \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data @- | jq .

The returned results will be in JSON format (as requested), so piping the output to jq will make them easier to read, like in the following example:

"data": {
"viewer": {
"zones": [
"httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups": [
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-21T10:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 19849385,
"visits": 4383
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-21T06:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 20607204,
"visits": 4375
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-26T05:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 20170839,
"visits": 4519
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-23T08:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 20141860,
"visits": 4448
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-25T15:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 21070367,
"visits": 4469
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-28T08:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 19200774,
"visits": 4345
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-26T02:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 20758067,
"visits": 4502
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-20T19:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 22127811,
"visits": 4443
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-27T15:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 20480644,
"visits": 4268
"dimensions": {
"datetimeHour": "2022-07-27T17:00:00Z"
"sum": {
"edgeResponseBytes": 19885704,
"visits": 4287
"errors": null

Top 10 consuming URLs in a zone

We are going to use the GraphQL Analytics API to query the top 10 consuming URLs from a zone, helping you identify the URLs with the highest resource usage. Here are some configuration instructions:

  • To filter on a specific hostname, add the line "clientRequestHTTPHost": "'$2'" below "requestSource".”
  • Replace API_TOKEN with your generated API token using the Read all resources permissions. The script will only access zones available to the token’s creator.
  • Pass the zone ID (zoneTag) as a parameter ARG=$1.
  • To calculate the current date and the date from 30 days ago, use gdate on Mac:
    • CURRENTDATE=$(gdate -u +'%FT%TZ')
    • OLDDATE=$(gdate -d '-30 days' -u +'%FT%TZ').
  • For specific dates within the last 30 days, set CURRENTDATE and OLDDATE variables in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ".

API call

Terminal window
curl --silent \ \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"query": "{viewer {zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) {topPaths: httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(filter: $filter, limit: 10, orderBy: [sum_edgeResponseBytes_DESC]) {count sum {edgeResponseBytes} dimensions {metric: clientRequestPath}}}}}",
"variables": {
"zoneTag": "'$ARG'",
"filter": {
"AND": [
"datetime_geq": "'$OLDDATE'",
"datetime_leq": "'$CURRENTDATE'"
"requestSource": "eyeball"
}' | jq -r 'try .data.viewer.zones[].topPaths[] | "\"\(.dimensions.metric)\": \(.sum.edgeResponseBytes)"' | sort