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Configure via API

You can create Snippets using the Cloudflare API.

Required permissions

The API token used in API requests to manage Snippets must have at least the following permission:

  • Zone > Snippets > Edit


To obtain the complete endpoint, append the Snippets endpoints listed below to the Cloudflare API base URL:

The {zone_id} argument is the zone ID (a hexadecimal string). You can find this value in the Cloudflare dashboard.

The following table summarizes the available operations.

OperationVerb + Endpoint
List all code snippetsGET /zones/{zone_id}/snippets
Create/update code snippetPUT /zones/{zone_id}/snippets/{snippet_name}
Delete code snippetDELETE /zones/{zone_id}/snippets/{snippet_name}
List snippet rulesGET /zones/{zone_id}/snippets/snippet_rules
Create/update/delete snippet rulesPUT /zones/{zone_id}/snippets/snippet_rules

Example API calls

Create/update code snippet

To create or update a Snippet, use the following PUT request. The snippet is named {snippet_name} and the body contains the JavaScript code.

Terminal window
curl --request PUT{zone_id}/snippets/{snippet_name} \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
--form files=@example.js \
--form metadata='{"main_module":"example.js"}'

The required body parameters are:

  • files: The file with your JavaScript code.
  • metadata: Object containing main_module, which must match the filename of the uploaded file.

To make this example work, save your JavaScript code in a file named example.js, and then execute curl command with a PUT request from the folder where example.js is located.

Example response
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"success": true,
"result": {
"created_on": "2023-07-24-00:00:00",
"modified_on": "2023-07-24-00:00:00",
"snippet_name": "snippet_name_01"

Create/update/delete snippet rules

Once you have created a code snippet, you can link it to rules. This is done via the following PUT request to the snippet_rules endpoint.

Terminal window
curl --request PUT \
"{zone_id}/snippets/snippet_rules" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"rules": [
"description": "Trigger snippet on specific cookie",
"enabled": true,
"expression": "http.cookie eq \"a=b\"",
"snippet_name": "snippet_name_01"